And we're off...again...

On Monday it was decided.....

We're moving....


In the past 26 years I have changed continents four times. (Africa-Europe) I have lived in 6 different homes with my parents, from 16 lived in a boarding school for four years, moved to the Capital to go to college and have now lived in five (from March 1st six) different rented apartments.... jeeej.

Now you see, its not the actual not living in one place anymore and living in a new place that's the problem... It's all the freaking stuff we have that gives me a migraine just thinking about it!

Why are we moving you might ask...

Because we have too much freaking stuff!! Really we do...

But the other reason is the need to live in a place that will resemble a home and have heating in the bathroom and kitchen.

No heating in the bathroom and kitchen????? Yep that's correct.

Then Why, you may ask, why are we living here?

My fiance and I represent the working middle class, meaning we are well educated - College and University degrees- pretty well paid jobs, but still it's not nearly enough to be able to afford a home of our own.

Around one third of our pay goes to tax, pretty high, one of the highest in Europe (and sadly no, we don't live in Sweden), one seventh of our net income goes on rent, around the same amount on bills, we try to put away at least a quarter and then live on the rest...

I'm not complaining, don't think that. We are lucky and we are very blessed.

But at this rate, we're looking at about another nine years of saving in order for us to put together half the amount our own home will cost and a 20 year loan from the bank.... doesn't that sound just dandy?

We live in a country we're out of a 10 million population only around 2,5 million work. We have a 9% unemployment rate- around half a million- meaning that 2,5 million people have to support 7,5 million people... no wonder our taxes are so high...

And all this for what? A home?

What is a home anyways?

According to my just one click away information source wikipedia (thank you) a home is defined as the following:

A home is a place of residence or refuge and comfort. It is usually a place in which an individual or a family can rest and be able to store personal property. Most modern-day households contain sanitary facilities and a means of preparing food. As an alternative to the definition of "home" as a physical locale, home may be perceived to have no physical definition-instead, home may relate to a mental or emotional state of refuge or comfort.

Pretty simple. Straight forward.

So where does this leave Us?

It leaves us looking at our bank account every month, jumping for joy every time we time we see our savings increase, dreaming about the home we will be paying off for the rest of our life.

Is it worth it? Is all the stress, fighting and saving worth it really? To own your own 90m2 of property?

I ask myself this question many times. But its not only about owning your own house, its about having a home...

"Home is a name, a word, it is a strong one; stronger that magician ever spoke, or spirit ever answered to, in the strongest conjuration." 
-Charles Dickens 

"Home is a place not only of strong affections, but of entire unreserved; it is life's undress rehearsal, its backroom, its dressing room. "
-Harriet Beecher Stowe

"A house is made of walls and beams; a home is built with love and dream."

So as I finish writing this post and dreading the nearing of March and all the packing and fighting and stress that goes with it, I know that Yes, it is worth it.

Because your home is your sanctuary. It is the one place where you can be yourself. Its a place where you don't have to live up to societies expectations, only your own.

 For me, home is where my heart is... and my heart is sitting in the next room. As long as we're together, I know we'll figure it out somehow.

So here's to moving...


A weekend of snot

It is now Sunday evening and I am finally getting over my snot weekend…. no work tomorrow, I still need one more day’s rest, but by Tuesday I should be back on my feet again and back to work….

But the point of my post is the following…

Do you know how much snot a person generates???

It’s absolutely amazing!

From Thursday night till today I have used around 150 tissues….

For one my nose hurts like hell, two my nose hurts like hell…

As if I don’t need tissues constantly anyways. Because of my allergies I need a constant supply of tissues. My Dad always joked that he should have invested in a tissue factory, because I use so many tissues.

But what is snot, really?

Snot for one is slang for nasal mucus, produced by the nasal mucosa and mucal tissues tissues lining the airways. Small particles such as dust, pollutants and allergens as well as infectious agents such as bacteria are caught in the nasal and are prevented from entering the system.

Increased mucus production in the respiratory tract is a symptom of many common illnesses, such as the common cold and influenza. (Wikipedia)

Ninety-five percent of mucus is H2O, while the remainder is protein, carbohydrate, lipids, and miscellaneous, the proportions and nature of which vary. (The straight dope)

Interesting fact I found about chicken soup.

Why does chicken soup help?
Answer: healing vapors penetrate the nasal passages and loosen things up.
So eat your chicken soup the next time!!

I few things I’ve learned about snot…

1, Its fast, its really really fast. Its much faster than my arm reaching for a tissue… yep that’s right, my snot got the better of me…
2, This is disgusting I know, but its really easy to swallow, and tastes like crap.
3, Your nose sure produces a lot of snot….

Creating a blog

Today- or rather this evening- I decided to go on the adventure of starting a blog.

I supposed that in this day and age to do this wouldn’t actually be too difficult…well life-and mostly irritating people who have inactive accounts- pretty much proved me wrong.

First problem- WHERE to start… after finally figuring that out, time to choose a name, which brings us to problem number two: Bloody fucking left over, inactive, not used accounts with names I would have liked to have used.

Supermassive Black Hole— taken—last used in 2007
Butterflies and Hurricanes— similar story
Black holes and revelations— at least this is an active account
Origin of Symmetry- — yep, taken as well…..

Sooooooo after about two hours of searching and brain storming I came up with the not so original starlight and blackholes, BUT at least I like the sound of it.
This is my short story of starting a blog.

We shall see were this will lead….